The Manor Oosterhouw-Leens (Volunteering Teams -ESC)

In het kort:
Soort werk
Natuur, Restauratie
13 t/m 27 juli
Aantal deelnemers
14 (7 mannen en 7 vrouwen)

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The work will take place at Oosterhouw in Leens (province Groningen). It is a beautiful monumental manor house surrounded by a garden divided into four different styles. Many parts of these gardens have been neglected over the past decades. Volunteers will be cleaning up and helping restore the gardens to their former glory. Activities range from groundwork like digging and levelling to gardening such as weeding and pruning to wood shredding and splitting. The volunteers will work in the gardens five days a week. This excludes the weekends.

During the two weeks, the volunteers will be staying at Wongema. It’s a working café located in the small village of Hornhuizen. The whole group will be staying in the residential barn besides the main building. There’s a dorm where everybody will be staying. Clean towels will be provided. Sheets for the beds won’t be provided. (Make sure you bring a sleeping bag or your own sheets!) Downstairs is a kitchen which we can use. Bicycles will be provided for transportation between the accommodation and the gardens of Oosterhouw. The bike ride from and to the accommodation is approximately 15 minutes. You will cook together in teams, taking turns and having the opportunity to cook meals from your home countries. You have a kitchen at your disposal. Self-organisation is also a vital point during your daily camp routines. Cooking and cleaning are planned and done independently within the group. Each participant is expected to take part in the CCC (cooking-cleaning-crew)

You will have leisure time after work (work ends at 4 p.m.). The Oosterhouw area mainly consists of small villages with Leens as the main village. You will have bikes at your disposal to explore the surrounding area. During the weekend you can enjoy your free time. There are plenty of nice places to visit, for example the beautiful and vibrant city of Groningen or take a ferry boat and visit the island of Schiermonnikoog.

The mansion Oosterhouw in Leens is located in the north of the Netherlands in the province of Groningen. The estate is surrounded by a flat agricultural landscape approximately 10 km from the Wadden Sea UNESCO heritage. Oosterhouw was built in 1868. The last time the building was renovated was in 1912-1913. After that, there weren’t any significant developments. The former owners of the mansion were C.o Jellema and Klaas Noordhuis. Co. Jellema is a semi-known poet in the Netherlands, and his current library is still in the house. Klaas Noordhuis was a garden architect and has added essential aspects to the garden. The current owners bought the house a few years ago and want to open the house more to the public. The house, the garden and the surrounding landscape are unique in this area and must be protected and taken care of.

This project will be realised as an European Volunteering Teams (EVT) project. This means that the project is co-funded by the European Union through the European Solidarity Corps subsidy program. The project is eligible for people between 18 and 30 years who are legally residing in an EU member state, Iceland, Liechenstein, Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey or Norway and have registered in the European Solidarity Corps Portal.

Volunteers travel costs will be compensated by this program and volunteers will receive €5,- pocketmoney per day.

The travel cost reimbursement has a maximum amount and is based on the distance from your hometown to Leens, the Netherlands. Following the distance, we will reimburse based on the actual costs with a maximum of the following amounts (in between brackets the amounts if you use green travel, meaning low emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel, such as bus, train or car sharing):
0-99km: 23 euro
100-499 km: 180 euro (210 euro)
500-1999 km: 275 euro (320 euro)
2000-2999 km: 360 euro (410 euro)
3000-3999 km: 530 euro (610 euro)
4000-7999 km: 820 euro
>8000km: 1500 euro
It is very important to keep at the receipts, booking confirmations, boarding passes and travel tickets with you. Any missing documents may affect your reimbursement amount. Furthermore, we can also provide up to 100 euro for visa purchase. For this, please keep your receipt as well.

Young people who want to participate in the European Solidarity Corps must register on the European Solidarity Corps Portal.

Participants must be in the possession of a European Health Insurance Card before arriving to the host country.

This project will be realised as an European Volunteering Teams (EVT) project. This means that the project is co-funded by the European Union through the European Solidarity Corps subsidy program. The project is eligible for people between 18 and 30 years who are legally residing in an EU member state, Iceland, Liechenstein, Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey or Norway and have registered in the European Solidarity Corps Portal.

Volunteers travel costs will be compensated by this program and volunteers will receive €5,- pocketmoney per day.

Het inschrijfgeld voor dit project bedraagt € 225, exclusief € 50 korting voor studenten en jongeren onder de 18.


The Manor Oosterhouw-Leens (Volunteering Teams -ESC)





Soort werk






Aantal vrijwilligers

14 (7 mannen en 7 vrouwen)


18 t/m 30 jaar
