In het kort:
Soort werk
Handarbeid, Natuur
25 juni t/m 7 juli
Sustainable Development Goals
13. Klimaatactie
Aantal deelnemers
8 (3 mannen en 5 vrouwen)

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Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

The volunteers, under the coordination of WWF staff and marine protected area technicians, will support- monitoring and protecting turtle nests (ATTENTION. During the week volunteers will go to beaches searching for sea-turtles nests and if found they will create a protected area for them and monitor the place along the day and night divided in shifts (This may require to wake up at 5.30 AM to go to beaches at the sunrise, or to supervise at night time). Other activities will be: cleaning beaches, monitoring of protected areas, assisting injured birds, to support the creation of paths in natural areas and other tasks..A study part is planned to introduce the theme of the social use of property confiscated from local criminal organisations.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

The accommodation will be provided inside the CELA itself in shared rooms.Volunteers will cook by themselves with leaders, with food provided by the organization.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

The area is one of the best costal areas of Italy, place of the second largest European Marine protected areas, surrounded by several European areas of environmental interests. The inland mountains are home to some river areas with waterfalls and picturesque lakes. Volunteers will have the opportunity to visit all the areas. Study and information activities will be carried out on migration issues (Cutro was the site of a shipwreck in which dozens of migrants lost their lives) and on legality issues (CELA is housed in a property confiscated from a criminal associate and now used for social purposes).

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

WWF Crotone runs the CELA Center for Environmental Education and Legality in San Leonardo di Cutro, a small town on the Calabrian coast.The area is famous for its beaches where turtles lay their eggs and for the presence of other areas of important naturalistic interest.The center works in collaboration with local authorities and nonprofit organizations to manage the Caporizzuto marine protected area, maintain a Turtle Hospital, and monitor and clean local beaches.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

Volunteers must be able to swim and be ready to work also early in the morning and during warm weather.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

The ability to swim is compulsory. Some days work will start at 5.30 AM to monitor turtles nests.

Het inschrijfgeld voor dit project bedraagt € 345, exclusief € 50 korting voor studenten en jongeren onder de 18.







Soort werk






Aantal vrijwilligers

8 (3 mannen en 5 vrouwen)


18 t/m 99 jaar



Sustainable Development Goal