Bezoek de Online Infosessie op 11 februari

Archaeology and Culture

In het kort:
Verenigde Staten (US)
Soort werk
Archeologie, Cultuur
28 juli t/m 11 augustus
Aantal deelnemers
8 (4 mannen en 4 vrouwen)

Lees snel verder voor meer informatie over de werkzaamheden, de accommodatie, de projectlocatie en de kosten. Heb je een vraag over dit project? Laat je gegevens achter bij "Stel een vraag" en we nemen zo snel mogelijk contact met je op.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

No experience is necessary as new volunteers are teamed up with experienced volunteers for hands on learning. International volunteers of age 18 or older are welcome, including volunteers with disabilities. Volunteer opportunities range from field excavations to laboratory processing of artifacts. This year we will be investigating the Bockmier pre-contact site, dated between 1200-1250 AD. This appears to be an Ancestral Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) village but also contains components from other time periods. The project is an archaeological field school where volunteers will learn site layout, excavation techniques, soil sampling, plan and profile mapping and processing artifacts (projectile points, pottery, tools etc.).

The workday is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. The work is done in a friendly and supportive environment. Please understand that this can involve hard physical labor, including digging with a trowel or shovel, screening soil and carrying buckets of dirt. Lab work may involve detailed work with the hands. Each person will work at their own pace according to their physical condition.

The temperature can be quite hot or cool and rainy. BRING work gloves, work shoes and clothing, including a warm coat or sweatshirt, sun hat, rain coat, long sleeve shirts and pants as there will be mosquitoes. The work site can be dirty and muddy so multiple sets of work clothes are a good idea. Sunscreen and bug spray will be provided.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

American and international volunteers will stay in apartments, which are a short drive away from the dig site. Separate rooms will be available for female and male volunteers. BRING sleeping bag or your own bedding. All food and meals will be provided for volunteers. We will cook meals together or eat out at local restaurants. Vegetarian options will be available.

Be sure to tell the other volunteers and the co-leader if you have any special diet needs.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

Volunteers will attend local cultural events, and the Seneca-Iroquois National Musem. This is an opportunity to take an in depth look at Native American culture from the perspective of a tribal entity. Ample time is provided for trips to local parks and points of interest. The local university has an art museum and a library with rare manuscripts from Medieval Europe.

There will be many opportunities to enjoy beauty and nature and there will be formal and informal discussions about topics of interest to the group. Bring music, games or other activities to share.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

The Allegheny Valley Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing opportunities for all people regardless of age and previous abilities to participate in archaeological discovery.


Facebook page:

Het inschrijfgeld voor dit project bedraagt € 345, exclusief € 50 korting voor studenten en jongeren onder de 18.


Archaeology and Culture





Soort werk






Aantal vrijwilligers

8 (4 mannen en 4 vrouwen)


18 t/m 99 jaar
