Bezoek de Online Infosessie op 11 februari


In het kort:
Soort werk
8 t/m 20 juli
Aantal deelnemers
16 (8 mannen en 8 vrouwen)

Lees snel verder voor meer informatie over de werkzaamheden, de accommodatie, de projectlocatie en de kosten. Heb je een vraag over dit project? Laat je gegevens achter bij "Stel een vraag" en we nemen zo snel mogelijk contact met je op.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

The volunteers will conduct children s camp to promote their innate talents and creativity for their overall development, such as physical, mental, social and emotional. During children s camp, volunteers can prepare sessions and take classes on the following topics: Physical exercises, Team Building, Drawing, coloring and painting, Art, Craft and Origami, Singing and dancing, Drama, Music, and Hiking, Teaching language and so on.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

The volunteers will stay in Kathmandu for two nights until orientation. VIN covers two nights accommodation on sharing basis and simple Nepali-style food. Then they will be with the host family/hostel identified by VIN in Okhaldhunga. The living facilities are simple and basic. Male and female Volunteers will share the same living area with separate rooms. There will be 2-4 people in one room. Volunteers are required to sleep on simple beds. Please bring your sleeping bag

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

Okhaldhunga district, which is 250 km from Kathmandu. It takes 8-9 hrs travel by busa hilly and mountainous region surrounded by woods and fields.VIN organizes travel tours like Chitwan Jungle Safari, Pokhara, Nagarkot for extra costs if you are interested after your work camp.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

Children s Development is one of the major programs in VIN s Integrated Community Development Approach. The Goal of the Children s development program is to protect the rights of all children by providing them access to basic quality education, developing their life skills and providing access to health services through community health program. Even in recent days in Nepal, schools are focusing on the examination and are doing less to develop the students creativity. Teachers only focus on reading and writing i rote learning. The creativity of children is not explored. Due to the busy work schedule of parents, most of the children do not have the opportunity to socialize and be creative. To provide opportunities to children (aged 6-12 years old) on socialization and creativity, such type of camps is essential. At VIN working area Okhaldhunga, children do not have a proper structure and environment to develop their innate talents at home or school. Children s camp (in winter and summer) is one of the best places to explore their natural talents and creativity. In this work camp, national and international volunteers facilitate different types of fun and creative activities for the target children where VIN works.

Aangezien je in dit project met kinderen gaat werken, stellen wij het verplicht om een VOG (Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag) aan te vragen.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

Application for Placement Booking Volunteers must apply to our partner organizations in their own country. U? 1/2 Attach your updated resume / curriculum vitae (CV) with two referee contact details (referees can be for your work/university/family); U? 1/2 Await confirmation from VIN for acceptance; U? 1/2 If you wish to work for more than one placement, then you are required to pay U? 1/280 extra to cover our added logistical work. If you choose different placement out of Kathmandu Valley: Okhaldhunga (250KM) will cost 200; Sindhuli (150KM) 150; and Nuwakot (35KM) will cost 50 extra for a return reserved Jeep transportation U? 1/2 VIN Volunteer / Internship project induction starts on the 1st and 15th of each month. The induction period is considered part of your project period. If you wish to come in between for a short period, you will receive a basic orientation before the placement. Please arrive one day prior (e.g. on the 14th if you are starting on the 15th) to the project induction date. Registration All the registration formalities will be completed in the first three days during the induction period. This will consist of understanding and signing a contract and paying the project fee. Please note that the entire project fee will be collected during the induction days. You will have to produce a photocopy of your passport and of your visa as well as a pass- port photo. VIN will issue a volunteer identity card for you.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

The participation fee 200 Euros (100 Euro for transportation) is to be paid on your arrivals at VIN Office.

Het inschrijfgeld voor dit project bedraagt € 345, exclusief € 50 korting voor studenten en jongeren onder de 18.

Let op: naast het inschrijfgeld betaal je ter plekke nog een lokale bijdrage van € 200.







Soort werk





Aantal vrijwilligers

16 (8 mannen en 8 vrouwen)


18 t/m 28 jaar

Lokale bijdrage

€ 200
