Tuburan Coffee Farm Eco-Cultural Camp
In het kort:- Land
- Filippijnen
- Soort werk
- Cultuur, Landbouw, Onderwijs
- Projectduur
- 10 t/m 21 maart
- Aantal deelnemers
- 14 (7 mannen en 7 vrouwen)
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- Eigenschappen
Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.
Tuburan sits on Cebu Island's west side, facing the Tanoñ Strait, about 89 kilometers northwest of Cebu City. It has a varied landscape with coastlines, plains, and hills, known for its beauty with beaches, rivers, and springs. Molobolo Spring is a favorite spot for swimming. Other attractions include Alegria Beach and Malingin Falls.
Tuburan is also known as the coffee capital of Cebu, boasts Tuburan Coffee Farm, the first coffee plantations in the municipality established in 2012. At that time, the then-mayor procured 30,000 coffee saplings from Tagum City, Davao del Norte, and provided training to local farmers on coffee cultivation. This initiative aimed to promote coffee farming as a more sustainable and lucrative livelihood for upland communities, offering an alternative to activities like charcoal production and firewood gathering, which have contributed significantly to deforestation.
Over the years, various government agencies have supported the development of coffee farming in Tuburan, culminating in its recognition as the coffee capital of Cebu. Presently, Tuburan Coffee sources beans from over 3,000 hectares of coffee small holdings spread across 29 barangays (villages), benefiting more than 2,000 farmers in the process.
The camp aims to provide a comprehensive learning journey in cultivation and processing of local coffee farms. That includes understanding coffee varieties, cultivation practices, pest management, harvesting techniques, coffee quality evaluation/cupping , market exploration, sustainable farming methods, community involvement, and ongoing learning for success and growth in the industry and as an individual.
Learning and understanding the differences in processing and production of coffee farms and Filipino works and farming culture.
Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.
The participants will be mainly accommodated at the coffee farm facility and LGU-Tuburan’s mini-hostel on selected days. It is built of concrete materials and with basic facilities. Personal sleeping bags/blankets and pillows are needed.
Food will be prepared by everyone. The participants are encouraged to assist in the preparations of the meals. Filipino food would be mostly served during breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.
- The location has nice natural places for organizing outdoor activities like sports and fun games with kids and young people.
-Limited WIFI connection is available in the community, mobile data and internet connection are widely accessible in the town proper selected areas.
Volunteers may access wifi facilities mostly in the town proper only. - -The mobile phone number of the local coordinator will be provided for more convenience.
Going around the local village
Nature lovers have many options to do like; nature walk, hiking, swimming in cold springs, river and visit to churches.
Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.
The Municipality of Tuburan is a local government unit located in the province of Cebu, Philippines. It is situated on the western coast of Cebu Island and is approximately 89 kilometers away from Cebu City, the provincial capital.
Tuburan is divided into 54 barangays (villages) and is known for its scenic beaches, natural springs, and historical landmarks. The town's economy is primarily based on agriculture, with rice, corn, and coconut being among the main crops grown in the area. Fishing and aquaculture also contribute to the local economy.
The local government of Tuburan is responsible for providing essential services to its residents, including healthcare, education, infrastructure development, and environmental management. Overall, the Municipality of Tuburan offers a blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and economic opportunities for its residents and visitors alike.
Aangezien je in dit project met kinderen gaat werken, stellen wij het verplicht om een VOG (Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag) aan te vragen.
Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.
For Participants: Sleeping bags, toiletries, toilet paper, personal medicines, comfortable light clothes, swimwear, aqua shoes/sleepers, working gloves, comfort food, small flag of country, etc.
May bring local snacks/food, souvenir, etc. for sharing to participants/locals
May donate agricultural tools, 2nd hand clothes, shoes, toys, educational supplies, art/educ materials, sports equipment if you like give to local children/youth.
Het inschrijfgeld voor dit project bedraagt € 345, exclusief € 50 korting voor studenten en jongeren onder de 18.
Let op: naast het inschrijfgeld betaal je ter plekke nog een lokale bijdrage van € 280.