Bezoek de Online Infosessie op 11 februari

Intercultural exposure

In het kort:
Soort werk
Cultuur, Onderwijs, Sociaal
13 t/m 26 januari
Aantal deelnemers
10 (3 mannen en 7 vrouwen)

Lees snel verder voor meer informatie over de werkzaamheden, de accommodatie, de projectlocatie en de kosten. Heb je een vraag over dit project? Laat je gegevens achter bij "Stel een vraag" en we nemen zo snel mogelijk contact met je op.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

The major aspect of this project will be focusing on community life styles. Volunteers and Community members will have an opportunity to experience and exchange both work and leisure behavior patents in various activities, attitudes, interest, opinions and values. This provide an opportunity to reflect on each involved person’s self-image or self-concept, the way they see themselves and believe and believe they are seen by other others. This is expected to be a composite of motivation, needs and wants influenced by factors such as culture, family, reference groups and social classes. In realization of the above objective;

Volunteers will join series of activities that will include:- Community economic Life (I do what they do): Participation in the daily of the community members. This will include working in a small businesses, farming, hand craft, Arts, taking care of animals and other daily economic activities of the community members; Social-Cultural life: Participate in various social aspects of community life including traditional medicine and health care (Learning and experience), Rituals: Visiting ritual sites, learning and understanding, Ceremonies: Participating in wedding, initiation and other traditional and religious ceremonies available during that time. Language exchange This will include; Kiswahili Language (1-2 Hours every day), Optional foreign Language teaching Class (1 hour per day preferably English or French); Knowledge exchange: Knowledge exchange will include Inter generational exchange: age groups knowledge and experience sharing events, Images of my (Self, Culture, Country etc.) Vs Others, Community Exhibitions: Sharing various arts, music food etc.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

Accommodation will be at a community residential house. It it is a very basic accommodation where you should expect to use water, toilet and have bath. Mattresses will be provided in shared rooms. Volunteers are expected to help in meals preparation and cleaning. Vegetarian meals will be available for the entire period of the project.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

Nakilongos is an area of Longido District, Arusha Tanzania. Located about 112km from Moshi town. The community is accessible via public transport starting from Moshi Main bus terminal to Tarakea and then change to Kamwanga via Lolarash. Indigenous inhabitants are Masai tribe, however due to the economic activities happening in the North Kilimanjaro Forest there is good mixture of people from various parts of the country. The community shares boarder with Kenya as well the Kilimanjaro Forest. If you are coming from Kilimanjaro Airport (About 43km) you will need to take shuttle to Moshi town.

Possibilities and options for leisure activities are: -Wild-life safari: Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara, Serengeti and Tarangire National parks. There is a various packages depending on the available time and budget. Mountain Climbing – Mount Kilimanjaro, Meru and others.Eco and cultural tourisMm

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

It is believed that the world’s population recently passed more than 7 billion people, an incredible number to measure. In Tanzania, Africa as well around the world many people still barely meet anyone outside of a small circle of family, friends and community while even more never venture beyond the culture in which they were raised. Intercultural exposure project is aiming to serve as an important means of introducing people around the world to realities they might not normally be exposed to.

Many barriers have begun to fall between people around the world, with near-instantaneous communication allowing people on opposite sides of the world to meaningfully interact. Cultural exposure project encourage people from all walks of life to appreciate and understand distinct cultures and play a key role in creating productive dialogue across the world.

Aangezien je in dit project met kinderen gaat werken, stellen wij het verplicht om een VOG (Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag) aan te vragen.

Onderstaande informatie komt direct van onze partnerorganisatie en wordt daarom niet in het Nederlands weergegeven.

Potential volunteer for this project need to have sufficient language proficiency to understand instruction given in English. Be flexible, open minded and eager to learn, independent, commitment to treating others with respect, Non-judgmental approach that values different cultures, Interest in people, cultures and their stories.

Het inschrijfgeld voor dit project bedraagt € 345, exclusief € 50 korting voor studenten en jongeren onder de 18.

Let op: naast het inschrijfgeld betaal je ter plekke nog een lokale bijdrage van € 250.


Intercultural exposure





Soort werk

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Aantal vrijwilligers

10 (3 mannen en 7 vrouwen)


16 t/m 99 jaar

Lokale bijdrage

€ 250
